For some
reason, people who lived in Lago Colony did not refer to this town by
its rightful name, San Nicholas, it them it was called "The Village".
The stores were varied, from low price items to very expensive items
that came from all parts of the world. Along the main street in
San Nicholas there were a large number of bars that catered to the
seaman off the numerous tankers that continually call at Lago and each
bar had their prostitutes, girls that came primarily from the Dominican
Republic and Columbia. Some would say it was a wide open town but
I always felt safe and San Nicholas and my mother, as did most of the
woman from the Colony, went to San Nicholas almost weekly to shop.
Not so much for food, this they purchased from the Colony Commissary,
but for household items not stocked at the Commissary and luxury items. |
I believe this is the
street that |
Long before the
internet this was the fast way to communicate. |
When a cable was
received at the cable office the delivery man would pedal off on his
bike to deliver it. |
I am assuming this is
San Nicholaas, however it may be Oranjstead, if so will someone please
let me know. |
No date on this
photograph, but I would guess early '30's. |
This was the Aruba
Trading Company before I knew it, when I knew the store, the late 1940's
and '50's there was a addition on the right had side about as big as the
original store. |
This is more how I
remember the Aruba Trading Company, the addition can just be seen on the
right had side of the photograph. My father purchased lacquer from
Aruba Trading as well as Florsheim shoes, he wore Wingtips, and Arrow
dress shirts. When my mother needed a new washing machine, the
wringer type, it came from Aruba Trading. They also sold Parker
Pens, lumber, galvanized roofing, men's suits, Irish Linen and many
other dry goods, and often items that seems miss-matched, it was just a
little bit of everything and never really what you wanted. |
Just a great
photograph of what was in San Nicholaas in the late 1020's. |
Again, another great
photograph of San Nicholas in the late 1920's. |
This view of the
outskirts of San Nicholas taken in 1942 by the National Geographic
Magazine. |
The above view of the
outskirts of San Nicholas is almost the same as the color photograph.
This black and white is from the book "The Netherlands West Indies" The
islands and their people, Photographed by Willem van de Poll. This
was published in 1951 so the photos are probably 1949/51. The
following black and white photos are from the same book. |
The road into San
Nicholas from the west. Out here the houses are much newer and
better built that those that sprang up around the Lago refinery. |
A good close-up view
of the wooden "shacks" that housed the mostly off-island workers at the
Lago Refinery. Note the dirt road. |
The main shopping
street in San Nicholas in 1950. The building in front of the
"woody" station wagon is Spitzer & Furman, the very up-scale jewelry
story with a store in San Nicholas as well as Oranjstead. This is
looking east, This street, Bernhardstraat, runs into and the
Aruba Trading Company store at the head of the street. Turn right
in front of Aruba Trading and enter the Lago Refinery, turn left to
follow the road around the Lago Concession and tank farm. |
The same view of the
main street in San Nicholaas as the one above, this one is from the Ken
Brown Scrapbook and there are no cars on the street, it may have been
taken on a Sunday. Interesting that two people took the same photo
from the same location. |
If you turned left in
front of the Aruba Trading Company off of Bernhardstraat street this is
what you would see, the gate and entrance to the Lago refinery. |
Workers leaving the
refinery heading for San Nicholas and home. This photo is taken
just inside the Lago gate in San Nicholas, the photographer was probably
on the roof of the building by the gate that housed the Lago Police
Department. The building with the L A G O sign in the photo above
this one. |
Same San Nicholas gate
to Lago refinery in the early days of Lago, before the permanent concrete building was
erected. |
This is the water
tower in San Nicholaas and is from the Ken Brown Scrapbook. On the
photo Ken identified it not as the water tower but the Aruba Tax
Assessor's office. |
Another view of the
water tower or Tax Assessor's office. |
A landmark in both San
Nicholas and Oranjstead, the water tower, I do not know if this is the
San Nicholas water tower or not, I feel it is the one in Oranjstead,
they look alike except for the surroundings. If some one knows for
sure be sure to tell me. |